Accidents On The Road

Accidents can happen in the rental business, and we understand how unfortunate they can be. Rest assured that GoCamp is here to assist you every step of the way, and we need your support as the vehicle owner for these processes to run smoothly.

It's crucial that you review this information and submit all details in a timely fashion to ensure a smooth resolution. GoCamp has a proven track record of successfully handling incidents, and we are confident we can assist you in the same manner as we work together during this process.

Ensure you are properly covered before the trip departs by using this checklist:

  • Photos: The more pictures, videos, and documentation, the better. Pre- and post-trip photos must be provided within 48 hours, as this is required in order to handle the damage reports and/or insurance claims quickly and efficiently.
  • Departure and Return forms: All forms must be completed and signed in a timely matter.
  • Damages: Report any damages to both the renter and GoCamp's team within 48 hours of the rental period's scheduled end.
  • Insurance Claims: While we remain hopeful that incidents will not result in insurance claims, GoCamp is fully prepared in the event that they do, and we ask for your prompt cooperation. Once we have a clear understanding of the repair costs, we will be better positioned to assess the situation. Should an insurance claim become necessary, we kindly request your timely cooperation in providing any necessary statements and written information to substantiate the claim, allowing us to secure insurance coverage for you.
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